

The diverse team at Wine+Partners all share one thing: good taste. Good taste in life, good taste in their work, tasteful sensibilities, and above all the ability to communicate in good taste as well. We’re a team of gourmet lifestyle experts, currently 15 strong, working from a handsome pre-War building in the 19th district of Vienna.

We're always looking for talent

PR Assistenz
Part time / Full time
38,5h / Woche

Du organisierst leidenschaftlich gerne, behältst mühelos den Überblick und hast eine Liebe zum Detail? Es fällt dir leicht, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen? Und du begeisterst dich für die Genusswelt? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!

Du kümmerst dich um:
    • die selbstständige Organisation von Projekten in Abstimmung mit den jeweiligen Projektleiterinnen

    • die Vorbereitung, Betreuung und Nachbereitung von PR-Projekten (z.B. Events, Social Media Kampagnen, Presseaussendungen, Pressekonferenzen, …)

    • Recherchen, Präsentationen, Terminkoordination mit Kunden weltweit

    • den Ausbau und die Pflege der Presse- und Influencer-Kontakte

    • Pitchen von Themen in unterschiedlichen Medien.

    • die Medienbeobachtung und Analyse

Du bringst mit:
    • Organisation ist dein zweiter Vorname.

    • Du hast ein gutes Gespür für Texte (z.B. für Social Media, Newsletter, Website).

    • Du bist ein Teamplayer und liebst es, dein Netzwerk stetig auszuweiten.

    • Bei uns kannst du frei mitgestalten! Daher strotzt du vor eigenen Ideen, die du gerne proaktiv und selbstständig umsetzt.

    • Du hast keine Scheu vorm Telefonhörer.

    • Du arbeitest gerne mit modernen Tools wie Teams, Asana & Co.

    • Du verfügst über sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse (mündlich und schriftlich).

Wir bieten dir:
    • Gestaltungsfreiraum in einem dynamischen, innovativen und motivierten Arbeitsumfeld

    • Agenturspirit mit spannenden Projekten und selbständiger Arbeitsweise

    • Abwechslungsreiche Projekte

    • Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung in Abstimmung mit dem Team

    • Moderne Arbeitsgeräte (Apple Notebook)

    • Homeoffice-Möglichkeit

    • Bereitstellung von Kaffee, Tee, Obst und natürlich etwas Süßem für die Seele

    • Regelmäßiges gemeinsames Mittagessen auf Kosten der Firma

Hast du Lust, deine Liebe zu Wein und Kulinarik zu deinem Beruf zu machen? Dann sende uns deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung, inklusive Lebenslauf mit einer kurzen Geschichte über eines deiner bisherigen Lieblingsprojekte (im Job, an der Uni, etc.) an [email protected].

Das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt (gültig ab 1.1.2023) für diese Stelle beträgt rund 2.000 € auf Vollzeitbasis. Je nach Erfahrung und Qualifikation sind wir bereit zur Überbezahlung.

A delicious set of benefits What we bring
to the table

When you work with us, you’ll have plenty of chances to dedicate yourself fully to life's gourmet pleasures. Which is why we offer:

Space to develop

We offer space for you to develop within a dynamic, innovative, and motivated working environment.

Fascinating projects

Your projects will bring you in contact with the biggest names in the wine and gourmet lifestyle sector.

Flexible working hours

In conversation with the team, you can set your own hours — whatever works best to keep you and your projects shining.

The latest gear

Having quick and modern gear can make work more fun — which is why our employees have Apple laptops.

Home office

Cut the commute and tackle your agenda from home, up to several days a week.

Coffee, tea & snacks

Everybody needs fuel to keep their creative fires burning, so we make sure some is always on hand: coffee, tea, fruit, and something sweet.

Healthy atmosphere

Alongside a healthy daily lunch paid for by the agency, there’s also a free shiatsu massage once per month.

International agency

Be part of a troupe that plays on the international stage.

Award-winning team

Our employees are known for their efficiency and judiciousness, for attention to detail, and for the courage to go big.


You are constantly in personal dialogue with the world’s most important wine personalities.

Wiener Linien Annual Pass

After one year as part of our team, you will receive the annual ticket of the Wiener Linien.

Facts & Figures Wine+Partners in Statistics

Team members
36 %
22 %
Turnover since 2010
Franziska Katterbauer

During my first weeks at Wine+Partners, I was immediately embraced by the team. Here at the agency, there’s a huge focus on growing together and sharing what you’ve learned. All of our employees are great people, which makes the difference in this industry and helps us gel as a team.

Franziska Katterbauer, Project Assistance
Digitale Designerin Katharina Gessl

At Wine+Partners, you'll be amazed by just how much you can accomplish as a team. Whether it's our communal lunches, tasting wines together, or simply getting to down to work at the offices, each personality shapes what Wine+Partners is. It feels good to be part of this kind of team.

Katharina Gessl, Digital Designer
Projektmanagerin Bettina Beck

Good storytelling is the thing that has always fascinated me. That’s why I'm so ecstatic that I can give my creativity free rein at Wine+Partners. It's been 20 years and counting, and yet I still my clients’ fascinating stories draw me into their orbit. Other factors matter too, with flexible working times and locations making it possible to balance a career I love with my busy family life.

Bettina Bäck, Project Manager
Mitarbeiterin Julia Jochum

Every day at Wine+Partners I’m surrounded by beautiful stories from the finest side of life — which is only one of the reasons why I particularly love my job. Because I also very much appreciate the pleasant working environment. There’s a focus here on sharing knowledge, and the doors for active support and collaboration are always open.

Julia Jochum, Project Assistent


There’s no open position that fits my skills right now. Can I send an unsolicited application?

Absolutely. We appreciate any and all applications. Even if we don't have the right position for you right now, a new client tomorrow might raise the need for the skills that only you have to offer. Which is why we review every unsolicited application in detail and file them — with your permission — in case need arises. Whether you're looking to join us as a freelancer, a full-time employee, or for an internship.

My degree program requires an internship. Can I intern with you?

Yes, we’re glad to help you gain your first professional experience, and besides: we love sharing the joy. For our profession, and our gourmet passions. And we’ve always got our ears open for new areas of interest than you might share with us. Submit your application now.

What’s the benefit of working for an agency instead of directly with a client?

Working with an agency is a wonderful way to try out different topics and areas of expertise, and to find out what exactly inspires you most. An agency offers a tremendous spectrum of options and opportunities, allowing you to make huge developmental leaps in a short period. To manage all of your projects as effectively as possible, you’ll learn the right mix of self-reliance and the ability to work in teams. Beyond this, agencies help you to build a broad network in the industry.

How quickly will I receive feedback to my application?

We always try to answer as quickly as possible. Yet each application does require some time for us to get a feel for who you are. So it may take between one and three weeks before we get back to you. We very much appreciate your patience in this matter.

How often is the page updated with open positions?

The job listings are always kept updated. If you see an open position here, you can be sure that we’re still accepting applications for it.

To whom should I send my application, or contact with questions?

You’re welcome to use our contact form or send an email to [email protected].

Do you have any tips for job interviews?

Try to think about our agency and what we do — why do you want to work with us in particular, and what are your expectations? Trust yourself to ask questions during the interview to find out whether this really is your dream job. Because we’re looking for colleagues for the long term.


Apply now Join our team

Work with our team in promoting a sustainable lifestyle, better mutual understanding, and respect for nature, people, plants, and animals.

Follow us on Instagram Our Instagram profile gives a behind-the-scenes look into Wine+Partners as an employer

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