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Geschäftsführerin und Eigentümerin, Dorli Muhr

We work to make the world a better place by explaining, promoting, and publicizing products that are extraordinary, sustainable, and notably good.

Dorli Muhr, Owner and Managing Director

What we offer Our Services

From your first nebulous idea to closing the books on a proven global success, we’re always by your side. Regardless of whether your project is big or small.


Your goals are the utmost priority. Yet to achieve them, we need to think long term. And that demands refined strategies as the essential foundation for communicating your product.

Public Relations

Fame only begins once the media and opinion multipliers report glowingly about you. We’ve spent over thirty years building our network within the industry to make sure you receive the right coverage.


It's never too late to pick up on the zeitgeist. We help you keep up with the competition, including online. And we can show you new technological opportunities to blaze your own trail through the epicurean world.

Event Management

Events bring gourmet pleasures to all five senses. And that’s precisely what we do for you and your target audiences — always ideally framed to put the special features of your product in the best possible light.

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