

We know what you're after.
And how to get you there.
Because we make good products famous.

Which means introducing them to the world. And climbing that mountain requires more than just advertising. It starts by establishing precise definitions of your origins and taste. Then comes presentation, differentiation, and pricing. Distribution and timing play significant roles too. We support and advise you in each and all of these areas.


Your goals are the utmost priority. Yet to achieve them, we need to think long term. And that demands refined strategies as the essential foundation for communicating your product.

  • Corporate analysis
  • Market + competitor analysis
  • Target audience analysis
  • Positioning + international differentiation
  • USP definition
  • Communications strategies
  • Brand establishment
  • Sensory consulting
  • Product development
  • Product design
Public Relations

Fame only begins once the media and tastemakers start reporting about you. We’ve spent thirty years building our network within the industry and in the wider world to make sure you hit that goal. Our PR services include:

  • PR strategies
  • Corporate communication
  • PR national + international
  • Target audience communication
  • Brand PR
  • Crisis PR
  • Online PR
  • Corporate publishing
Online Marketing

It's never too late to pick up on the zeitgeist. We help you keep up with the competition, including online. And we can show you new technological opportunities to blaze your own trail through the epicurean world.

  • Digital strategies & consulting
  • Digital branding
  • Content strategy & creation
  • Social media marketing
  • Websites & digital platforms
  • SEO & usability
  • Web analysis & tracking
  • Newsletter marketing
  • Influencer marketing
Event Management

Good events tantalize all the senses — and drive sales. We are known for extraordinary events, because we tailor every step to the specific character of your product, your company, and your target audience.

  • Creation of brand-enhancing event formats
  • Event conceptualization
  • Target audience events
  • Event management
  • Tastings
  • Product launch
  • Trade fair support
  • Online events & tastings
  • Webinars
  • Press trips
wine+partners wine+cheese wine+Öl wine+most wine+fromage wine+partners wine+bubbles wine+bier wine+porto wine+poisson wine+partners wine+sekt wine+fisch wine+saft wine+kaffee wine+partners wine+cerveza wine+pane wine+bread wine+rum wine+partners wine+acqua wine+jus wine+pollo wine+gemÜse

Selected References Success Stories

For Koch.Campus
24 Press Topics
4 Years of support

How can you get the international media from Warsaw to Brussels to buy in completely on complex regional topics? That’s precisely what we've done with Koch.Campus, an interest group of Austria’s leading chefs and agricultural producers. They engage in serious discussions and explorations of topics arising from the field to the table, as well as joint research and promotion of specific regional products. Their goal: a contemporary reinterpretation of Austrian cuisine and raising of its international profile.

For the Douro Boys
43 Successful projects
20 Years of support

Who knew about the Douro Valley twenty years ago? Very few people. Five ambitious estates came together in 2002 and put their collective trust in us. What has happened since is nothing short of a fairytale success.

No serious wine map dares ignore Douro anymore, and the region's most prominent representatives are Quinta do Vallado, Quinta do Crasto, Nieport, Quinta do Vale Meão and Van Zellers. 20 years later, we’ve blazed a trail of hard work, precise strategy, open communication, and the most colorful events anywhere on the wine scene. Legendary pool parties, celebrated auctions, beach and mountainside events, and every happening from Toyko to Toronto tailored to put attention on one of the world’s loveliest wine valleys, and to make the estates famous and successful.

For Austrian independent private brewers
1.500 Instagram followers in just 3 weeks
315.802 Reach

How do you awaken the emotions of an entire nation? By starting a revolution on the beer market. 6 out of 10 beers consumed in Austria come from large international corporations. The colorful landscape of regional private breweries represents only a third or so. It seemed self-evident to us: a regional seal of quality was needed to latch onto the consumer trend toward regional products and sustainability. Follow our publicity work live on the Instagram and Facebook channels of the private brewers and help raise awareness of their seal.

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