
Does fine wine have a future & what does it look like?

by Marion Topitschnig

Areni Global is an international think-tank that focuses on the topic of fine wine. Areni carries out studies, surveys and worldwide research, the results of which are made available to its members. Membership of the Areni network costs around €450 per year. We have negotiated an exclusive, limited-time discount for subscribers to the Wine+Partners newsletter. Information on the W+P special conditions can be found below.

Young people are drinking less and less alcohol. Multiple crises are creating difficult economic conditions. Drought, heatwaves, floods are posing a challenge for agriculture. The wine world is changing and is looking – now more than ever – for new ways to produce, distribute, sell and communicate about wine.


Rethinking Fine Wine

The recent ProWein Business Report 2024 confirms that premium and super-premium segments are affected by declining sales. This is a global trend.

Areni Global anticipated developments such as these at an early stage. The independent think-tank is dedicated to the future of fine wines and confirms:

"If we don't tackle these threats together, fine wines run the risk of losing their importance."

Areni Global brings together the most important interest groups, from winegrowers, distributors and retailers to restaurateurs, sommeliers and decision-makers at a political and economic level. The international platform sees itself as a place of exchange where ideas can be developed freely and independently.

The focus of Areni Global is on:

  • Creating and raising awareness

  • Promoting public discourse

  • Information and education

  • Developing alternatives and solutions for increasingly pressing problems

Areni conducts research, analyses and provides insights to advance the fine wine industry worldwide. The global network of employees and members opens up new perspectives and options for action.



The many facets of Fine Wines

Areni Global not only publishes content such as market analyses, research findings and wide-ranging insights into fine wines. Knowledge is also shared in podcasts, with video content, talks and events that take place both online and in-person.

Topics range from regenerative agriculture and soil health, wine and health, wine language, business and trade, as well as regulations, laws and restrictions, digitalisation, communication and marketing, sustainability, different markets and trends through to generational change and diversity. Speaking of diversity: Areni Global also provides food for thought beyond the norm in the context of fine wines. For example, it explores what fine wines and jazz have in common...


Free White Paper

Pauline Vicard, the co-founder and executive director of Areni Global, has summarised her most important findings on the future of fine wines in a publication.

Become a member

Would you like to become part of the Areni Global network? As a member, you will not only receive access to all publications and analyses, but also regular invitations to talks and events. And now, just for the Wine+Partners community, there is a 15 percent discount on membership with the discount code "Austria2023".

More on the topic of fine wine