
Carnuntum Academy: Carnuntum a discovery (EN)

10:00 — 11:00
Relevant für:
Sommelerie, Presse, Handel
Lars Daniels

Dank der besonderen klimatischen Bedingungen des Gebietes zeichnen sich die Rotweine aus Carnuntum durch eine unvergleichliche Frische und Lebendigkeit aus. Das garantiert nicht nur belebende Jungweine, sondern auch solche mit wunderbarem Alterungspotenzial. Wer Carnuntum noch nicht im Detail kennt, kann im direkten Gespräch mit den Winzern einen tiefen Einblick in die spannende Rotweinregion an der Donau gewinnen.

Lars Daniels (Redakteur des Weinmagazins Perswijn) wird die Online-Meisterklasse leiten. Außerdem werden sechs Winzer aus Carnuntum anwesend sein, um über ihre Weine zu sprechen und Ihnen eine großartige Einführung in eine der spannendsten Rotweinregionen Österreichs zu geben!

Die folgenden sechs Winzer werden an der Meisterklasse teilnehmen:

  • Michael Auer

  • Christoph Artner

  • Dorli Muhr

  • Robert Payr

  • Gerhard Pimpel

  • Karoline Taferner

Logo Carnuntum Academy

About Carnuntum Academy

The Carnuntum Academy is an initiative created by winegrowers from Carnuntum, designed to give wine industry professionals (hospitality, import, trade & press) the opportunity to continue their education in an uncomplicated and efficient manner. Distinguished speakers, together with winegrowers, will guide participants through the individual sessions, which will be held in German and English.

Discover Carnuntum together with top-class speakers:

  • Clemens Riedl: Founder of Trinkreif Premium Vintage Wine

  • Lars Daniels: Editor of Wine Magazine Perswijn, Wine-Journalist

  • Romana Echensperger MW: Sommeliere, Wine-Journalist and Author

  • Mads Jordansen: Wine Ambassador for Tyskvin, Author

  • Sascha Speicher: Chied Editor at Meininger Sommelier, Organiser of the "Sommelier Summit"

Available places for the individual seminars are limited. You can register via the events below, with one click and some of your information and there you go!


This event is open exclusively to specialists (press, trade, sommeliers, wine-educators, gastronomy, etc) interested in becoming an expert on Carnuntum wines. Participation is free.

Please choose your online masterclass at least 3 weeks before the set date. You will immediately receive an email confirming your preferences. Please note: this is NOT a guarantee that you will actually receive a seat for each of the requested events, as only twenty slots are available per event.

You will receive a binding approval no later than 2 weeks before the chosen event. The wine samples will then be sent. We ask that you to contact us immediately should the samples not have arrived a week ahead of the chosen event.

The online presentations will be conducted using ZOOM. One week before the online masterclass, you will be sent a link with the access data by Wine+Partners. The tasting list other information will be sent to you directly.

Privacy Policy: By submitting your registration to the Carnuntum Academy event, you are providing consent for your data. This will be used to ship you the sample wines and relevant print information for the tasting.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact
Katharina Gessl
[email protected]

Katharina Gessl von Wine+Partners
Katharina Gessl

After completing a Bachelor's degree in International Wine Business and a Master's degree in Content & Media Strategy in the Netherlands, Katharina gained experience around the globe and joined the Wine+Partners team at the beginning of 2022. The winemaker from the Weinviertel region is currently in the final stages of her second Master's degree in Viticulture & Oenology. With a naturalness when it comes to wine, she looks after the Douro Boys and numerous other projects.

More Event Tipps

Poysdorfer Jungwinzerin
Kellergasse „Radyweg“ Poysdorf
Relevant für: Alle Genießer:innen , Sommelerie , Winzer:innen