Birgit Braunstein

Wines that Inspire


“Harmony” is the word that best encapsulates her philosophy. For over twenty years now, the grandest visionary of biodynamics in Austria can be found in Purbach am Neusiedlersee: Birgit Braunstein.


  • Public Relations
  • Strategy+Consulting

Birgit Braunstein’s estate is like a natural preserve in miniature, with buzzing bees, old growth trees and, of course, a stork's nest. Much of her attention and gentlest care goes to her vines, planted along the Leitha mountains, where slate, shell limestone, and crystal quartz call the tune. Nature rewards her efforts with expressive wines, from lively Welschriesling to mineral/saline Chardonnays to refined Blaufränkisch. We are proud to serve as Birgit Braunstein's agents in all matters related to media and PR work, helping her create tailored events that highlight her important work.


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Birgit Braunstein mit ihren Weinen

Our wines speak to people who appreciate the value of living right.

Birgit Braunstein, winegrower at Weingut Birgit Braunstein
Ute Watzlawick von Wine+Partners
Ute Watzlawick
Owner & Senior Project Manager

After earning a degree in public relations, Ute first worked as a journalist before coming to Wine&Partners in 2000 to assume responsibility for planning and execution of projects. Ute is currently responsible for Penfolds, WienWein, Kellerei Tramin, CulturBrauer, Gault&Millau and Mayer am Pfarrplatz.

About Birgit Braunstein

Harmony is the word that best encapsulates Birgit Braunstein's philosophy. For over twenty years now, the grandest visionary of biodynamics in Austria can be found in Purbach am Neusiedlersee. Her estate is like a natural preserve in miniature, with buzzing bees, old growth trees and, of course, a stork nest. Much of her attention and gentlest care goes to her vines, planted along the Leitha mountains, where slate, shell limestone, and crystal quartz call the tune. Nature rewards her efforts with expressive wines, from lively Welschriesling to mineral/saline Chardonnays to refined Blaufränkisch.

Birgit Braunstein
Hauptstrasse 16
7083 Purbach

Birgit Braunstein