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How to taste wine

by Marion Topitschnig

Spilling red wine on your shirt or creating a traffic jam at the tasting table – with these simple tips, wine consumers can avoid the most common mistakes at a wine tasting.

Well prepared

If you are going to a wine tasting, you should prepare beforehand. Which vintners or exhibitors will be there and which ones are you particularly interested in? You should think about a personal schedule in order to be able to taste in a relaxed way.

Outfit choice

Light-coloured or white clothing is considered a no-no at a wine tasting, especially when red wines are presented. Accessories such as scarves, long necklaces or ties can also be a hindrance, for example when spitting. If the setting is formal, a bow tie is preferable to a tie.

Easy on the palate and nose

Anyone who wants to taste wine should prepare their palate and nose as well as possible for the perception of the aromas. This means that before and during a tasting, things like coffee, chewing gum and cigarettes are taboo. Perfume is also a no-go, because in the worst case it will not only diminish your own tasting experience, but also that of other visitors.

A question of style

Wine tasting is always a question of the right posture - in relation to your wine glass. It is not uncommon to see guests holding on to the belly of the glass. Learn how to hold a wine glass correctly and get other tips for individual wine enjoyment in this Instagram-Reel.

Risk of congestion

Who hasn't experienced the moment when a crowd forms in front of a tasting table. The reason? A few people who have booked the winemaker for a private tasting. The conversation often wanders off, soon it no longer revolves around the wines presented and frustration spreads in the queue. As a general rule, the stay at the tasting table should be as short as possible and as long as necessary. Pay respect to the winemaker and greet him or her first, then show interest in the wines, taste them quickly and don't just stay at the table to get drunk.


A wine tasting can broaden your horizons, help you discover new favourites or give you the opportunity to taste once-in-a-lifetime drops. The mere memory often does not last as long as expected. That's why you should create memory aids and document the tasting experience. In addition to handwritten notes, photos on your mobile can also help or the use of special apps such as Vivino.


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