25.05. — 27.05.2024

United Nations of Kékfrankos - Blaufränkisch - Frankovka - Modra Frankinja - Lemberger

VieVinum, Hofburg Lounge in der Hofburg VIENNA
Relevant für:
Handel, Presse, Sommelerie
Rotwein im Glas

Als führende Weinmesse in Zentraleuropa wird die VieVinum ihrem Ruf mehr als gerecht, wenn rund 90 Weingüter aus Ungarn, Slowenien, der Slowakei, Tschechien und Süd-Deutschland sowie Österreich ein unglaublich breites Spektrum ihrer historischen Rebsorte an einer gemeinsamen Bar namens „United Nations“ präsentieren. 

Die zentraleuropäischen Weinbaugebiete eint nicht nur eine Sorte sondern auch das kontinentale Klima: geringer Niederschlag, kalte, trockene Winter, ein Regenpeak im späten Frühling, dann ein trockener Sommer mit heißen Tagen und spürbarer Abkühlung in der Nacht, gefolgt von einem zumeist langen und ebenfalls trockenen Herbst. 

Ideale Bedingungen für die spätreifende und trockenresistente Rebsorte Blaufränkisch, die – unter ganz unterschiedlichen Namen – in den zentraleuropäischen Weinbaugebieten eine führende Rolle eingenommen hat.  

Faszinierend facettenreich

Kékfrankos, Blaufränkisch, Frankovka, Modra Frankinja, Lemberger - das sind nur einige der Bezeichnungen für diese Sorte, die dank ihrer prononcierten Säure und ihrem präsenten Tanningerüst große Rotweine hervorbringt. 

Gleichzeitig kann sie in exzellenter Weise auch den Boden reflektieren. Allein in Österreich ist die Bandbreite enorm: von den Schieferböden am Eisenberg, lehmigen und kreidigen Böden im Mittelburgenland, Kalk&Schiefer am Leithaberg, sandig-schottrig am Neusiedlersee und sandigem Kalk am Spitzerberg in Carnuntum. Diese Vielfalt ist faszinierend, und dabei liefert Österreich nur rund 15 Prozent der Weltfläche. 

Wie spannend muss dann erst der Vergleich der Weinbaugebiete in Ungarn sein, das dreimal mehr Kékfrankos produziert als Österreich! Gut 30 Weingüter aus verschiedenen ungarischen Weinbaugebieten treten den Beweis dafür an, wenn die Verkostungsbar „United Nations“ bei der VieVinum eröffnet wird. 

Außerdem sind Produzent:innen aus Tschechien, der Slowakei, aus Slowenien und aus dem deutschen Württemberg vertreten. Alle wichtigen Weingebiete haben ihre führenden Produzenten ausgewählt, um Gemeinsamkeiten aber auch Vielfältigkeit der Sorte zu demonstrieren. 

Ist Blaufränkisch eine große Rebsorte?

Diese Frage wurde im Rahmen von Arlberg Weinberg 2022 gemeinsam mit internationalen Weinexpert:innen beantwortet. Den ganzen Bericht finden Sie HIER zum Nachlesen. 

Dorli Muhr
© Anna Stöcher

„In zahlreichen Diskussionen und Degustationen mit Expert:innen wird immer wieder bestätigt, dass Blaufränkisch zu den großen Rebsorten der Welt zählt und qualitativ jedenfalls auf Augenhöhe mit Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon oder Pinot Noir einzureihen ist.“

Dorli Muhr, Initiatorin von "United Nations"

Dorli Muhr weiter: „Dennoch ist die Sorte international weit weniger bekannt und im allgemeinen weniger angesehen. Sicherlich liegt das auch daran, dass die Sorte unter vielen verschiedenen Namen produziert wird, was eine einheitliche Kommunikation erschwert. Weiters gab es durch die politischen Bedingungen in Zentraleuropa jahrzehntelang keinen Austausch zwischen den Produzent:innen, wenig Forschung und Selektionsarbeit und in vielen Ländern auch wenig Qualitätsbestrebungen. Mit dieser Verkostungsbar bei der VieVinum, die wir ,United Nations of Blaufränkisch' nennen, möchten wir einerseits den Schulterschluss zwischen jenen Weingütern herstellen, die in ihren Herkunftsländern als die jeweils engagiertesten gelten. Gleichzeitig möchten wir dem internationalen Fachpublikum die Chance geben, das große Spektrum der Sorte aufzuzeigen, die ein gemeinsames Dach für die Weinbaugebiete Zentraleuropas darstellt.“ 

Gemeinsames zentraleuropäisches Erbe

Während der VieVinum (25.-27. Mai) bietet die Verkostungsbar „United Nations of Kékfrankos /Blaufränkisch" in der Hofburg-Lounge mehr als 100 Weine. Vertreter:innen aus jedem Weinbaugebiet werden persönlich anwesend sein und über ihre Weine und Regionen Auskunft geben. 

Für Pressevertreter:innen

Viele der Winzer:innen werden abwechselnd persönlich vor Ort sein. Da im Messetrubel ein fokussiertes Gespräch oft nicht möglich ist, bieten wir an Interview-Termine vorab zu arrangieren.  



Heimann & Fiai - Ungarn
Heimann & Fiai - Ungarn © Páczay Tamás

Heimann & Fiai


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

I love Kékfrankos because of the vividity, the freshness of aromas. While the variety yields a serious and layered wine, through its moderate tannins, zesty acidity and not-excessive alcohol, it is a great contemporary red variety. Also the nuances of climatic and soil differences shine through the wines of the different terroirs – when not overshadowed by winemaking.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

Bati Kereszt: a protected, calm parcel. Floral, playful, charming expression of Kékfrankos.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

Bati Kereszt is an outlier in our climate, generally influenced by the excessively warm Great Plain. Through its protectedness, this vineyard shows a restraint in power, more playful aromas, a beautifully open face of Kékfrankos in Szekszárd.

Bujdosó Pincészet - Ungarn
Bujdosó Pincészet - Ungarn © Bujdosó Pincészet

Bujdosó Pincészet


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

Easy to handle in the vineyard, and the variety has million identities. With caring hands we are capable to make a crispy rosé, or a long ageing red wine. Has smooth tannins and a vibrant acidity.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

Slightly oaked notes overwhelmed by fruits, smooth and juicy.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

Even though it's our top red wine and tends to be full bodied, it still remains very pleasant and drinkable. It gives the back the lake Balaton sense of life through its playfulness and floral aromas.

Bujdosó Pincészet - Ungarn
Bujdosó Pincészet - Ungarn © Bujdosó Pincészet

Villa Gyetvai


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

Kékfrankos wines have a thousand faces, so it is very exciting to work with it.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

Medium intensity, ruby colour, this is a cool, elegant and lively wine.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

Nice acid structure thanks to the soil, full-bodied and complex taste due to the proximity of Lake Balaton, fruitiness thanks to the grape variety.

Etyeki Kúria - Ungarn
Etyeki Kúria - Ungarn © Etyeki Kúria

Centurio Szőlőbirtok


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

The mostly volcanic Mátra with its coolish climate provides an exciting and outstanding expression of the variety.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

Single vineyard, 10 months barrel, lots of fruit.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

Fruity, elegantly spiced wine with refreshing acidity, a touch of wood and moderate alcohol level.

Steigler Pince - Ungarn
Steigler Pince - Ungarn © Steigler Pince

Steigler Pince


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

I love Kékfrankos because this variety holds the best of its terroir and because of its versatility. The wine is not heavy, doesn’t have a big body, which would cover the soil, barrel and aging potential also. It has enough acidity, even in hot years, which keeps it stable and enjoyable for a long time.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

Terroir wine with well structured mica, plum, and acidity.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

My Kékfrankos comes from the vineyard Spern Steiner. The soil on this vineyard contains only mica, with a little limestone. You can taste this hot, dry, mineralic soil and the concentrated fruit aromas all at once. The wine was 14 months long in the same 500 litre used barrel on fine lees and it was bottled without fining or filtering. This is the pure Spern Steiner vineyard.

Stubenvoll Pince - Ungarn
Stubenvoll Pince - Ungarn © Stubenvoll Pince

Stubenvoll Pince


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

On the one hand, it is our historical heritage, as the slogan of our wine region explains: "Sopron, capital of the Kékfrankos". On the other hand, it's our favorite red variety because it is extremely easy to work with both in the vineyard and in the cellar, and it can also cater to the taste of the modern age with its fruity, cool structure.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

Aged for 9 months in barrel. Very fruity, with a bold structure.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

Due to the features of our wine region, it can display various faces/styles at different micro-vineyards. It can exhibit a very mineral, salty and elegant character.

Etyeki Kúria - Ungarn
Etyeki Kúria - Ungarn © Etyeki Kúria

Etyeki Kúria


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

It is a rich variety, which can express the terroir perfectly. The acidity-driven variety is able to produce a lively, fresh, easy-drinking wine, and is able to make the wine ageable. It is a versatile variety – red, rosé and sparkling can be produced from it.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

Medium body, fruity, spicy, vibrant acidity, long finish.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

It expresses the terroir with a perfect balance of vibrant acidity, fruit complexity and velvety tannins.

Etyeki Kúria - Ungarn
Etyeki Kúria - Ungarn © Etyeki Kúria

Lajvér Borbirtok


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

The Kékfrankos grape has adapted quite well to the climate of the Carpathian Basin, however, it performs excellently against the extreme vintage phenomena of the past decades, such as spring frosts, summer drought, or the unexpected heavy rains that fall upon us during the harvest. Its aroma set lacks the immature green pepper character characteristic of cabernet and merlot, so we can make excellent rosé wines with a pure fruit aroma with an early harvest. If this feature is exploited even more, excellent white wines with a slight touch of pink can be made with blanc de noir technology. Of course, in addition to limiting the harvest, by choosing a later harvest, we can also make an excellent red wine with a deep color, fruity, medium tannin content, very elegant acidity, good flavor and good aging potential, which can stand its ground as an independent varietal wine or as a base for pairing with Bikavér.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

The common denominator in Lajvér Kékfrankos: fruitiness, balance and elegance.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

The defining element of the soil is loess, so we have expressive fruitiness, whether we harvest from a lower - cooler terrace or from a warm, sunny terrace. From the early fresh red fruit to the ripe peaches and plums that appear in the wines, by choosing a good technology we bring this diversity to the glasses.

Sebestyén Pince - Ungarn
Sebestyén Pince - Ungarn © Sebestyén Pince

Sebestyén Pince


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

Kékfrankos can reflect our terroir. It is very diverse.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

Plum character, gentle tannins, lively acidity, silky texture.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

The higher content of lime in the loess soil results in a very fragile, elegant kékfrankos with gentle tannins. It ripens earlier than wines from other vineyards, where loess or loess with red clay are dominant.

Lajvér Borbirtok - Ungarn
Lajvér Borbirtok - Ungarn © Lajvér Borbirtok

Szekretar Organic Winery


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

The most reliable grape which shows the terroir very well. It is a very unique grape that is produced in only a few countries.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

At Szekszard, it is elegant, moderate in acidity. Has a strong plum character.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

Harvested from a warmer site, fermented with its own yeast, minimal sulphur added to show its real fruity and fresh character.

Etyeki Kúria - Ungarn
Etyeki Kúria - Ungarn © Etyeki Kúria

Neiner Családi Pince


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

I love its balance, reliability and diversity as it is able to produce a balanced crop even in the poorest vintages and outstanding in good years. Easy to handle and work with in the vineyard throughout the year.

It can be used to make wine from rosé and siller to red, and it is grown all over in the Carpathian basin. In addition to the varietal character, it reflects the characteristics of the terroir very well. It can be excellently combined with other varieties (e.g. in Bikavér), is suitable for making both light, fruity red wine and elegant, tannic wine. It can also be used to make a long aging, really GREAT wine.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

A once-in-a-lifetime wine, because of a hailstorm which affected the south side of the vineyard, resulting in the harvest of some raisined grapes.

How does your Kékfrankos express the site where it was grown?

Since we do not use additional yeast (spontaneous fermentation), we can preserve the characteristics of the site better. Loess and limestone helps us to express as much fruit as possible in our wines.

Koch Winery - Ungarn
Koch Winery - Ungarn © Koch Winery

Koch Borászat


Why do you love the Kékfrankos variety?

It is a rich variety that allows us to present different styles and types of wine. A very rich variety with which we can make structured red wines with a high polyphenolic profile as well as light and spicy rosé wines.

Describe your Kékfrankos:

Medium-bodied red, vibrant acidity, long aftertaste.

Further hungarian wineries at "United Nations of Blaufränkisch" are:

  • Szent Donát Borkúria, Balaton

  • Stumpf Pincészet, Eger

  • Torma Pincészet, Eger

  • Tóth Ferenc Pincészete, Eger

  • Benedek Pince, Mátra

  • Babarczi Szőlőbirtok és Pince, Pannonhalma

  • Eszterbauer Borászat, Szekszárd

  • Heimann Családi Birtok, Szekszárd

  • Takler Borászat, Szekszárd

  • Németh János Pincészet, Szekszárd

  • Vida Családi Borbirtok, Szekszárd

  • Grál Borpince, Tolna

  • Bock Pincészet, Villány


Világi Winery - Slowakei
Világi Winery - Slowakei © Media2You

Világi Winery


Why do you love the Frankovka Modrá variety?

The variety represents the terroir very well, hand in hand with trustfulness for each vintage.

Describe your Frankovka Modrá:

Beautiful balanced wine with the harmony of fruitiness, spiciness and body.

How does your Frankovka Modrá express the site where it was grown?

Exceptional quality through an exceptional place, nice mineralic touch through the volcanic soil, fully ripened with pleasent acidity. You can taste the long tradition and the professionalism of the winegrowing process.

Karpatská Perla, s.r.o. - Slowakei
Karpatská Perla, s.r.o. - Slowakei © Karpatská Perla

Karpatská Perla, s.r.o.


Why do you love the Frankovka Modrá variety?

Indigenous central European variety, that reflects honestly our climate and soil conditions. Can be made in a great range of styles, from crispy light rosé up to a bulky, layered red wine.

Describe your Frankovka Modrá:

Elegant, harmonious, medium bodied red wine with velvety tannins and red fruit character.

How does your Frankovka Modrá express the site where it was grown?

Loess is the main soil type at Nad Polankou vineyard, which results in well ripened grapes with balanced sugar and acidity content. Great basic material for elegant and harmonious red wine production.

Magula Family Estate - Slowakei
Magula Family Estate - Slowakei © Magula Family Estate

Magula Family Estate


Why do you love the Frankovka Modrá variety?

For me, Frankovka Modrá is the queen of the red wines, which I love to spend time with, enjoy & explore.

Describe your Frankovka Modrá:

Spicy elegance with intensity, velvety smoothness and robust structure.

How does your Frankovka Modrá express the site where it was grown?

A south-eastern, loess based gentle slope provides consistently elegant, concentration, combining an exciting mixture of enchanting spiciness, pleasing fruitiness and steely acidity. The grapes from Rosenberg vineyard are healthy, always reach good ripeness and give wines that are exceptional in the great vintages and beyond captivating in the difficult ones.

Slobodne - Slowakei
Slobodne - Slowakei © Symon Kliman



Why do you love the Frankovka Modrá variety?

Frankovka Modrá is the most noble of all red varieties not only in Central Europe but globally.

Describe your Frankovka Modrá:

Cool climate red subscribing to Burgundian dogma: fresh fruit with long aging potential.

How does your Frankovka Modrá express the site where it was grown?

It’s a wine from calcaire loess soil. Fresh, fruity, feminine.

Pivnica Brhlovce - Slowakei
Pivnica Brhlovce - Slowakei © Pivnica Brhlovce

Pivnica Brhlovce


Why do you love the Frankovka Modrá variety?

It is the Empress of Central Europe.

Describe your Frankovka Modrá:

Elegant and fresh Wild Beauty from an 35-year-old vineyard that grows on volcanic soil.

How does your Frankovka Modrá express the site where it was grown?

It kisses you dark and long.

Svetik - Slowakei
Svetik - Slowakei © Svetik



Why do you love the Frankovka Modrá variety?

Frankovka Modrá is a merry lady and at the same time an elegant dame, it can make you happy in any situation.

Describe your Frankovka Modrá:

Wine perfectly matured in perfect harmony, with juicy fruit.

How does your Frankovka Modrá express the site where it was grown?

Both wines reflect unique subsoil created by the Sitno volcano giving the wines layers, minerality and full taste.

Further wineries from Slovakia are:

  • Bott Frigyes, Južnoslovenská

  • VPS-Vinohradnictvo Pavelka, Malokarpatská


Plenér - Tschechien
Plenér - Tschechien © Plenér



Why do you love the Frankovka variety?

We love especially the combination between the variety and the limestone soil. It gives the wine extraordinary energy of fruity and mineral notes. We love the variability of the variety itself from very light fruity wines to heavy, full bodied great wines.

Describe your Frankovka:

Light, fruity, cherries, crispy, glou glou type of Frankovka.

How does your Frankovka express the site where it was grown?

Minerality, freshness, structure, well balanced, emotional.

Víno Botur - Tschechien
Víno Botur - Tschechien © Víno Botur

Víno Botur


Describe your Frankovka:

Beautiful ripeness, velvety and fullness with a touch of stone

How does your Frankovka express the site where it was grown?

A typical expression is the aroma of plums from our region and a velvety body expression, thanks to the higher calcium content in the soil.

Hana Mádlová - Tschechien
Hana Mádlová - Tschechien © Hana Mádlová

Hana Mádlová


Describe your Frankovka:

Single vineyard, 12 months in barrel. Full of fruit and nice tanin.

How does your Frankovka express the site where it was grown?

Typicity Frankovka from South Moravia from 50 years old vineyards.

Vinařství Horák - Tschechien
Vinařství Horák - Tschechien © Vinařství Horák

Vinařství Horák


Why do you love the Frankovka variety?

Personally for me, it is variety with a great future, here in Czech Republic. Very malleable both in the vineyard and also in the cellar

Describe your Frankovka:

Stone fruits, spiciness, long aftertaste and tanins.

How does your Frankovka express the site where it was grown?

Freshness, structure, aroma of cherries and plums.

Víno J. Stávek - Tschechien
Víno J. Stávek - Tschechien © Lukáš Průdek

Víno J. Stávek


Why do you love the Frankovka variety?

In the Czech Republic, this is the only feminine variety. It can be young, playful or matured, balanced and also elegant and precious.

Describe your Frankovka:

Splendid combination of stone fruits, spiciness, fresh but balanced with a long aftertaste.

How does your Frankovka express the site where it was grown?

The typicity of Frankovka from our region is strong aroma of cherries and sour cherries, which is supported by a soil rich in calcium and magnesium.

Vinselekt Michlovský - Tschechien
Vinselekt Michlovský - Tschechien © Vinselekt Michlovský

Vinselekt Michlovský


Why do you love the Frankovka variety?

Typical variety for our region giving great wines if it is properly treated in the vineyard and matured in oak.

Describe your Frankovka:

Harmonic, full bodied, fruity, cherries, plum butter (povidl) and log aftertaste.

How does your Frankovka express the site where it was grown?

Purple colour, fully structured, full of transformed blackberies and black cherries.

Vinařství Verysek - Tschechien
Vinařství Verysek - Tschechien © Vinařství Verysek

Vinařství Verýsek


Why do you love the Frankovka variety?

Typical variety for our area with combination of aged vineyards and matured in oak barrels.

Describe your Frankovka:

Harmonic, fruity-small forest fruits, crispy, spices and medium long after taste.

How does your Frankovka express the site where it was grown?

Purple color, structural.

Luboš Oulehla - Tschechien
Luboš Oulehla - Tschechien © Luboš Oulehla

Luboš Oulehla


Why do you love the Frankovka variety?

Frankovka is very friendly at the vineyard. It´s also a pliant variety. We can make a lot of types of wines from these grapes.

Describe your Frankovka:

Wonderful mix of smoky, saline, and fruity tones.

How does your Frankovka express the site where it was grown?

In Dolní Kounice, there was a volcano milions years ago. Nowadays we grow our vineyards on that soil which called Granitoid. That is what makes our wines so unique and quirky.


Vina Šuklje - Slowenien
Vina Šuklje - Slowenien © Vina Šuklje

Vina Šuklje

Bela Krajina

Why do you love the Modra Frankinja variety?

Because this variety is a real sponge for terroir and is ageworthy. It is very versatile and gives elegant, vibrant and complex wines. It is also one of the best food companions that we know.

Describe your Modra Frankinja:

Elegant, deep, complex – mixing fruit, herbs and chalkiness

How does your Modra Frankinja express the site where it was grown?

Warm summers with high diurnal variation and a fair amount of rain on draining calcaerous soil gives elegant, vivid and deep wines, always showing some forest fruit character lifted by typical floral and Mediterranean herb undertones.

Vinska Klet Metlika - Slovenien
Vinska Klet Metlika - Slovenien © Vinska Klet Metlika

Vinska Klet Metlika

Bela Krajina

Why do you love the Modra Frankinja variety?

Because it is our traditional variety, it thrives very well in our environment, produces elegant wines and combines beautifully with various dishes.

Describe your Modra Frankinja:

Ruby, fresh, fruity, elegant, harmonious, complex.

How does your Modra Frankinja express the site where it was grown?

Warm summers with daily variation of temperature and a fair amount of rain on draining calcaerous soil give elegant, fresh and deep wines always showing some forest fruit character lifted by typical floral and Mediterranean herb undertones.

Klet Krško - Slovenien
Klet Krško - Slovenien © Klet Krško

Klet Krško


Why do you love the Modra Frankinja variety?

Modra Frankinja is a Slovenian indigenous variety with enormous potential. We started researching it at Klet Krško winery after realising that we have the ideal conditions for this variety – from having our own winegrowing surfaces, producing minimal yields, the right terroir and microclimate, consistently implementing the processing and further maturation technology on the lees, and, finally, having a strong drive to produce top-notch wines.

Describe your Modra Frankinja:

A long-lived and lively wine with structure and a clean aromatic profile.

How does your Modra Frankinja express the site where it was grown?

Our vineyard (5 ha in total) is spread over a slope of about 400 m above sea level, which is exposed to a continental climate, receives the most sunshine (2000 hours of sunshine per year) in summer and autumn. The summers are thus hot and dry and the winters cold. Ample rainfall is typical in spring and autumn (up to 1200 mm of annual precipitation). In terms of geology, the vineyard sites are made up of limestone, marl, sandstone and clay. In addition to an excellent growing area, it is also necessary to know how to handle the Blaufränkisch - throughout the year in the vineyard and the following months/years in the cellar. The main specificities of Modra Frankinja are its longevity and liveliness (juicy composition of acids). It is a wine with high extracts, appropriate alcohols, with structure and a clean aromatic profile. It is our opportunity among red wines.

Kmetija Kobal - Slowenien
Kmetija Kobal - Slowenien © Kmetija Kobal

Kmetija Kobal


Why do you love the Modra Frankinja variety?

Through the years we discovered the huge potential of the variety in our environment. The variety gives us fully ripened grapes for elegant, fruity, full-bodied wines, suitable for ageing.

Describe your Modra Frankinja:

Elegant, fruity, harmonic, grape in a glass.

How does your Modra Frankinja express the site where it was grown?

The vineyards of Kobal spread out over the finest wine-growing sites on the hill slopes in the wine region Bizeljsko-Sremic. The area is a narrow strip along the northern bank of the Sava River, protected by the mountains from the harsh north winds. The terrain, not just of the Kobal vineyards but the entire region, is made up of steep-sloped vineyards and narrow, wind-rich hill valleys.

Albiana - Slowenien
Albiana - Slowenien © Albiana



Why do you love the Modra Frankinja variety?

Modra frankinja is simply a variety for the future. Versatile, unique and trendy at any time.

Describe your Modra Frankinja:

Elegant and juicy with lots of fruit and spice.

How does your Modra Frankinja express the site where it was grown?

Our Alto collection is a selection of single plot vineyards with specific conditions and unique soil profile. Modra frankinja Alto is collected from our 'Zajčer' single vineyard which lies on clayish soil with specific 'grey' limestone bedrock. Vineyard is positioned at 410 m altitude with SW exposure. Vines react on those conditions with slow maturation of grapes with crispy acidity and mineral touch, which is becoming quite typical for Dolenjska - the coolest wine sub-region (district) in Slovenia.

Roka Winery - Slowenien
Roka Winery - Slowenien © Roka Winery

Roka Winery


Why do you love the Modra Frankinja variety?

Modra Frankinja delivers a thrilling vibrancy as a wine – poised, elegant, juicy, alive, fresh and versatile. The character of the variety is very versatile and can interact superbly with differing cellar techniques, managing to maintain varietal typicity (with the exception of too much oak) and it transmits terroir exceptionally well.

Describe your Modra Frankinja:

Drinkable (do you need anything else?!)

How does your Modra Frankinja express the site where it was grown?

We achieve great concentration, yet maintain energy and vibrancy in the wine. Cordon pruning (unusual for our region) brings low yield and concentration, the soil delivers aroma and complexity and the climate maintains freshness and elegance.

Vino Greif - Slowenien
Vino Greif - Slowenien © Vino Greif

Vino Greif


Why do you love the Modra Frankinja variety?

Traditional variety, easy to work with, very versatile, good terroir expression.

Describe your Modra Frankinja:

Elegant, ruby, fresh, fruity, with a hint of spice.

How does your Modra Frankinja express the site where it was grown?

Our Modra Frankinja is grown on sandy soil with slate deposits, therefore the wine has bit of a lighter body with minerality and smooth tannins. Pohorje terroir also delivers forest fruit especially cherry notes, vibrant acidity and hint of spice.

Further wineries from Slovenia are:

  • Marof, Prekmurje

  • Kobal wines, Štajerska

  • Dveri Pax, Štajerska


Bio-Weingut Robert Payr - Österreich
Bio-Weingut Robert Payr - Österreich © Fillim

Bio-Weingut Robert Payr


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Blaufränkisch is a magnificent ‘soil indicator’. It reflects the terroir wonderfully.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Spitzerberg is elegance. Fresh, fruity, mineral with fine, long tannins.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Terroir in a glass at its best.

Weingut Michaela Riedmüller - Österreich
Weingut Michaela Riedmüller - Österreich © Christina Leurer

Weingut Michaela Riedmüller


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

If you provide the perfect terroir for it, Blaufränkisch will develop then no other variety can!

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Ried Braunsberg Blaufränkisch: Its delicate character is driven by the Danube and the small Carpathians

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Due to the humidity of the Danube, Ried Braunsberg shows up in a very delightful, juicy and earthy way. Combined with the loess-soils it gives the fruitiness to the Blaufränkisch. The striking saltiness is triggered by the compacted limestone deposits which are typical for loess soils.

Weingut Kopfensteiner - Österreich
Weingut Kopfensteiner - Österreich © Herbert Lehmann

Weingut Kopfensteiner


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Unique, particularly exciting, vibrant. Firmly structured and filigree in expression at the same time.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Mineral, fruity & spicy, complex, multi-layered wine with long ageing potential.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

The vines are rooted in green and blue shale mixed with moderately heavy clay. Soils with a very high iron content and many trace elements ultimately characterise the Reihburg wine, which tends to show more opulence than those from the barren slopes.

Weingut Krutzler - Österreich
Weingut Krutzler - Österreich © Weingut Krutzler

Weingut Krutzler


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

No other grape variety can reflect the diversity of the soil, region and climate as precisely as Blaufränkisch.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Perwolff is pure Eisenberg: multi-layered, savoury, salty and has depth.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

The minerality, spiciness and saltiness of the soils are typical of Eisenberg, as well as an unmistakable ‘forest soil flavour’, as our vineyards are mostly surrounded by deciduous forests.

StephanO DAS-WEIN-GUT - Österreich
StephanO DAS-WEIN-GUT - Österreich © Ross Weinberg



Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Blaufränkisch is the one red variety that best shows where it is grown - the soil, the micro-climate...

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Elegant, fine grained, minerality, softness, strength, long lasting, acidity.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Saybritz is for us the perfect combination of soil, cool climate, minerality and softness.

Weingut Wachter Wiesler - Österreich
Weingut Wachter Wiesler - Österreich © Ross Weinberg

Weingut Wachter Wiesler


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

We love Blaufränkisch! Blaufränkisch is, in our view, one of the best grape varieties in the world. It can beautifully convey its origin and terroir. With such elegance, straightforwardness, finesse, and a certain freshness, it truly stands out.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Long-distance runner. Giorgio Moroder asks about the large glass.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

One tastes considerable steepness and smells the cool, ethereal south. To the left on the slope, a climber on the rock. Damp fracture edges, intermittently overgrown with juniper and moss. Sprinkled with lemon dust, just a little. Finest meat in the best sense. And tea. And a touch of woodruff.

Weingut A&H Nittnaus - Österreich
Weingut A&H Nittnaus - Österreich © David Schreyer

Weingut A&H Nittnaus


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Because it has a balance of power and elegance that is hard to find. Because it expresses the terroir like no other. Because it is THE traditional red wine variety of Burgenland, our home. Because it is best prepared for global warming thanks to its late ripening and stable acidity.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

This wine ideally combines body and finesse, power and minerality.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

The Jungsberg is a warm, early site due to its southeastern exposition and proximity to Lake Neusiedl. This leads to high maturity and powerful structure. At the same time, the slate soil ensures a mineral, elegant length and aromatic complexity. In addition to the typical cherry fruit, many spicy and floral components are noticeable.

Weingut Braunstein - Österreich
Weingut Braunstein - Österreich © Tibor Rauch

Weingut Braunstein


Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Our signature, our DNA, 50 years old vines and biodynamic production.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Chalky limestone delivers the silky mineral tannins, perfect terroir wine, my personal love.

Weingut Esterhazy - Österreich
Weingut Esterhazy - Österreich © Roman Seidl

Weingut Esterhazy


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Blaufränkisch always keeps its own, typical flavour profile – no matter what style of wine you are going to produce. And Blaufränkisch also transports the different soils in a very unique and subtle way into the wine.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Barren and soil driven cool climate wine with attitude.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

This Blaufränkisch was grown on barren and fossil-rich limestone soil at the hillside of the Leithaberg. All the plots face south-east, protecting the vines from the hot afternoon sun, which can burn the skins of the berries and cause early ripening. The soil adds dark fruit to the wine's aroma profile and the exposure allows the berries to ripen perfectly without accumulating too much sugar. The wine retains its freshness and soft, ripe tannins.

Weingut Feiler-Artinger - Austria
Weingut Feiler-Artinger - Austria © Weingut Feiler-Artinger

Weingut Feiler-Artinger


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Wonderful nose, great taste, super elegance! That's Blaufränkisch!

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Fruity, spicy, crisp, fresh, complex and still elegant.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Always perfect. On this fossil limestone soil, Blaufränkisch shows a deep black pepper spiciness beside the dark cherry fruit; plus great length and complexity.

Remushof Jagschitz - Österreich
Remushof Jagschitz - Österreich © Birgit Machtinger

Remushof Jagschitz


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Blaufränkisch is an old traditional Austrian variety. Uncomplicated and multifaceted. Spicy notes stand out from the other varieties.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Full-bodied wine with precise minerality and complex aroma.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Our Blaufränkisch reflects the character of our terroir. It is characterised by limestone-free rock-brown soil made of crystal stone or crystalline debris. Preferred by Lake Neusiedl, the location is integrated in the heat storage zone of Lake Neusiedl during the day. The nights are cooler because colder air currents from the Leitha mountain range strongly influence the location in its aromatics.

Weingut Erwin Tinhof - Österreich
Weingut Erwin Tinhof - Österreich © Erwin Tinhof

Weingut Erwin Tinhof


Describe your Blaufränkisch:

A picture of finesse and elegance.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Sloping towards the south, this old, deeply rooted vineyard enjoys the sun from morning to night. An ideal prerequisite for concentrated Blaufränkisch wines full of character.

Ernst Triebaumer eGen - Österreich
Ernst Triebaumer eGen - Österreich © Ernst Triebaumer

Ernst Triebaumer eGen


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Blaufränkisch is like a good friend. You can always rely on them. Whether it’s a cold or hot year, with Blaufränkisch you can always produce a high-quality wine with great ageing potential. In a cooler year, the Blaufränkisch is fruitier and acidity driven but still delivers great structural appeal. In a hotter year, you can make a full-bodied fruity wine which still has an underlying tightness in it.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

When Caesar asked for wine, they brought him Blaufränkisch Mariental.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Every year we create 6 different Blaufränkisch wines from all our vineyards around Rust. Each vineyard gives a completely distinctive expression spanning sparse limestone to richer clayey and crystallin bedrock soils. Our Mariental Cru consists of sparse limestone elements in the upper part of the vineyard. The slopes face to the east with a slight descent and therefore the vines are exposed to the hotter midday sun, which brings a little more fruitiness and power out of the grapes.

Weingut Günter + Regina Triebaumer - Österreich
Weingut Günter + Regina Triebaumer - Österreich © Steve Haider

Weingut Günter + Regina Triebaumer


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Blaufränkisch is a true Rust core competence and has always played first fiddle.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Weathered schist and loam generate cool-fruited Blaufränkisch.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Dark cherries and black pepper aromas, very typical for Blaufränkisch from Rust, year after year.

Weingut Stefan Zehetbauer - Österreich
Weingut Stefan Zehetbauer - Österreich © Christof Wagner

Weingut Stefan Zehetbauer


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

There are not many varieties that can combine characteristics from the specific vineyard it grows in and the appellation as a whole so beautifully together and still retain a puristic expression as a Blaufränkisch.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

"Slatey", sophisticated, meaty, yet fresh and balanced, leaves an impression.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

It captures perfectly the duality, and thus the liveliness, of the wines coming from the Steinberg. Heat retaining mica slate rocks and balancing cool air from the encompassing woods. Powerful and deep but juicy tannins and a prolonged freshness that creates a wonderful tension on the palate.

Rotweine Lang - Österreich
Rotweine Lang - Österreich © Sebastian Philipp

Rotweine Lang


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

We love Blaufränkisch because it shows both - power and elegance, doesn't pretend and expresses full-bodyness and finesse. Blaufränkisch is one of the most characteristic and interesting red wine varieties. Blaufränkisch is the traditional red wine variety of the Mittelburgenland and the main variety in our winery. Its late ripening and stable acidity makes it ideal for global warming.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Best grapes, topquality, 22 months in 70% new french oak and 30% in second used oak.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Our Blaufränkisch L1 grows on loamy soils on the southeastern slopes of the Ödenburg mountains. Here we live up to our slogan: GOOD WINE TAKES A LANG- (long) TIME. Our L1 matures in French oak barrels for 22 months. The long aging in wood, which we prefer in all our wines, gives the wine even more character and finesse and leads to the fine rounding of the tannins. Sparkling purple, complex with elegant roasted aromas, fully ripe blackberries and mulberries, as well black pepper and a touch of coffee roasted aromas, some nougat. pronounced, complex aromas of fully ripe blackberries and ripe, velvety tannins A very long and complex finished, carried by a delicate chocolate kiss.aromas. Full-bodied, multi-faceted on the palate. Elegant roasted aromas. Very long, complex and full of character on the finish. High aging potential!

Gober & Freinbichler - Österreich
Gober & Freinbichler - Österreich © Gober & Freinbichler

Gober & Freinbichler


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Blaufränkisch is, in our view, one of the best grape varieties in the world. It can beautifully convey its origin and terroir. With such elegance, straightforwardness, finesse, and a certain freshness, it truly stands out.

Weingut Silvia Heinrich - Österreich
Weingut Silvia Heinrich - Österreich © Weingut Silvia Heinrich

Weingut Silvia Heinrich


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

I grew up in the vineyards and have my roots in Blaufränkischland. For me, Blaufränkisch is the queen of red wines because it has so many characters. Blaufränkisch can/is charming but not flattering, playful but not kitschy. Profound but not serious. Elegant, lively and multi-layered with great ageing potential. A very delicate and elegant wine with an excellent acidity structure that makes for an ideal food companion.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Blaufränkisch from our oldest vineyard on the Goldberg, our Blaufränkisch Grand Cru. Jancis Robinson described our Alte Reben as: "Very lively, charming, transparent and well balanced. I have to call this Burgundian in structure."

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

"Time is the true soil on which wine grows." The Blaufränkisch Alte Reben comes from our oldest vines in the Alte Weingebirge vineyard in Deutschkreutz, which were planted by Silvia's grandparents almost 80 years ago. The Goldberg vineyard was mentioned as far back as the 13th century! Beneath a sandy loam layer lies a limestone plateau, which gives the ‘Alte Reben’ its elegant structure and finesse. Planted by our ancestors, they are a valuable treasure today, as the grapes are characterised by a particularly complex aroma. Old vines are simply unmistakable. Not only are the grapes smaller-berried, richer, more intense and finer, they also adapt to the natural conditions over time. The Blaufränkisch is correspondingly multi-faceted and profound.

Weingut Tesch - Österreich
Weingut Tesch - Österreich © Weingut Tesch

Weingut Josef Tesch


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Blaufränkisch reflects our deep attachment to the Burgenland terroir.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

It reflects the character of our terroir; a wine full of body, personality and essence.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Blaufränkisch grapes used for the Patriot come from 70 year-old vines which are deeply rooted in weathered crystalline slate. This transports key nutrients to the grapes, which gives them their unique aroma. In the Patriot the spirit of the earth is revealed, as is the power of the soil in which the grapes are cultivated.

Weingut Juliana Wieder - Österreich
Weingut Juliana Wieder - Österreich © Steve Haider

Weingut Juliana Wieder


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Blaufränkisch is the grape variety which perfectly reflects our soils in Neckenmarkt.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Elegant combination of minerality of the soil and the character of this vintage.

Weingut Hareter Thomas & Claudia - Österreich
Weingut Hareter Thomas & Claudia - Österreich © Thomas Hareter

Weingut Thomas & Claudia Hareter


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

Because it’s the best red for cool minerality.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Fine, juicy tannins, mineral length, dark berries, great freshness.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Very cool aroma, finest texture, chalky soil, exact and straight – that’s the single vineyard Zeiselberg.

Weingut Heinrich - Österreich
Weingut Heinrich - Österreich © Sophia Schillik

Weingut Heinrich


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

It is our indigenous variety, well adapted to the Pannonian climate with distinctive character!

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Vibrating, dancing, lingering, salty, pure, reductive, precise, authentic, with a sense and spirit of place.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

It grows on mica schist, very durable soil, low vigour, loose bunches, small berries, very low yield, natural concentration, vibrant tannin profile, dark berry fruit and earthy character.

Luboš Oulehla - Tschechien
Luboš Oulehla - Tschechien © Luboš Oulehla

Weingut JURIS


Why do you love the Blaufränkisch variety?

We love Blaufränkisch because it is a grape variety that is able to connect our past with our future. It has always been grown in our area and it can cope with a warming climate.

Describe your Blaufränkisch:

Complex, floral, dark-fruited with bright acidity and fine-grained tannins.

How does your Blaufränkisch express the site where it was grown?

Our Blaufränkisch is grown on lime rich soils on a slope facing SSW. Old vines can reach the deeper layers high in iron. Due to that we are able to harvest fully ripe Blaufränkisch ideally between the last week of September to mid October. Blaufränkisch Ungerberg from Gols is often characterised by a floral, violet like aroma with fine grained tannins and well integrated acidity. In some older vintages you can find an umami like scent.

Further wineries from Austria are:

  • Weingut Artner, Carnuntum

  • Weingut Dorli Muhr, Carnuntum

  • Weingut Klemens Pelzmann, Carnuntum

  • Groszer Wein, Eisenbeg

  • Weingut Jalits, Eisenberg

  • Weingut Stubits, Eisenberg

  • Weine Thom Wachter, Eisenberg

  • Weingut Nehrer, Leithaberg

  • Weingut Gesellmann, Mittelburgenland

  • Weingut Heike und Gernot Heinrich, Neusiedlersee, Leithaberg


Weingut Schnaitmann - Deutschland
Weingut Schnaitmann - Deutschland © Peter Bender

Weingut Schnaitmann


Why do you love the Lemberger variety?

It was not love at first sight, because I am a Pinot guy. But I have learned during the last few years, that Lemberger might be the best red expression of many of our great, still widely unknown terroirs in the future.

Describe your Lemberger:

Elegance and ageability, ethereal freshness and hidden power

How does your Lemberger express the site where it was grown?

Grown on the deeper and warmer gypsum marl sites (lots of free chalk, with a high percentage of clay) it shows more spice and minerality, grown on the higher coloured marl sites there is more fruit character. 100 % whole bunch fermentation supports both.

Weingut Beurer – Germany
Weingut Beurer – Germany © Weingut Beurer

Weingut Beurer


Why do you love the Lemberger variety?

Lemberger shows the high altitude vineyard of the Remstal with freshness and fruit very well.

Describe your Lemberger:

Fresh, crispy, juicy

How does your Lemberger express the site where it was grown?

Cool aromatic, fresh and juicy

Weingut Eisele - Deutschland
Weingut Eisele - Deutschland © Weingut Eisele

Weingut Eisele


Why do you love the Lemberger variety?

Because it beautifully reflects our terroir in the Neckar Valley. Especially the shell limestone and its characteristics.

Describe your Lemberger:

Mineral, ethereal, light barrel notes, fresh but expressive, light tannins.

How does your Lemberger express the site where it was grown?

The shell limestone characterises our Lemberger with fine minerality, ethereal notes and ensures a wonderful drinking flow.

Weingut Karl Haidle - Moritz Haidle - Deutschland
Weingut Karl Haidle - Deutschland © Peter Bender

Weingut Karl Haidle


Why do you love the Lemberger variety?

Because it can be fresh, juicy and have powerful herbal notes at the same time. Also it shows its terroir very well!

Describe your Lemberger:

Herbal, etheral and elegant.

How does your Lemberger express the site where it was grown?

Like every good variety, it shows the site in the form of a unique aroma and structure.

Weingut Kusterer - Deutschland
Weingut Kusterer - Deutschland © Weingut Kusterer

Weingut Kusterer


Why do you love the Lemberger variety?

The grape variety has the ability to reflect its origin and thus the terroir in the wine.

Describe your Lemberger:

It combines the concentration of the vintage with a fresh terroir-influenced minerality of the soil.

How does your Lemberger express the site where it was grown?

The Lemberger vines grow on top of an exposed rock formation made out of sandstone in the middle of the historic terraced vineyards. This gives the wine complexity and mineral notes with spicy flavours.

Weingut Lassak - Deutschland
Weingut Lassak - Deutschland © Weingut Lassak

Weingut Lassak


Why do you love the Lemberger variety?

Depending on the terroir, Lemberger displays a complex aroma, depth, minerality and good longevity with a fine supporting acidity. This makes Lemberger a grape variety with huge potential.

Describe your Lemberger:

Elegance, fine grained tannins, length, minerality, purity

How does your Lemberger express the site where it was grown?

The Lemberger vines grow in the STEIGE on upper shell limestone with clay soil. This gives the wine a finesse and complexity with spicy notes.

Weingut Roter Faden - Deutschland
Weingut Roter Faden - Deutschland © Weingut Roter Faden

Weingut Roter Faden


Why do you love the Lemberger variety?

Lemberger can mirror its origin as no other variety can, especially the unique vividness when it grows on limestone.

Describe your Lemberger:

Long, deep, complex.

How does your Lemberger express the site where it was grown?

Limestone and Lemberger makes for a fantastic couple – crispy acidity, fine tannins, fruit, herbs!


Termin: Samstag, 25.5.2024 - Montag, 27.5.2024

Ort: VieVinum, Hofburg Lounge in der Hofburg VIENNA

Sprache: Englisch / Deutsch

Ein gültiges Ticket für die VieVinum ist erforderlich. 


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Bettina Bäck von Wine+Partners
Bettina Bäck
Senior Projektmanagerin

Bettina ist seit 2000 bei Wine+Partners und hat bis heute unzählige Projekte im In- und Ausland betreut, darunter das alpine 5-Sterne-Hotel Post Lech, den steirischen Betrieb Muster.Gamlitz und das Weingut Kozlovič in Istrien. Derzeit betreut sie Weltmeister Sommelier Marc Almert, die Schweizer Wein-Institution Baur au Lac Vins, Zürichs Brasserie to be Baur's, das Marguita (Eröffnung im Sommer 2024), den steirischen Betriebe Weingut Langmann und die Rubin Carnuntum Weingüter.

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